
Code / software


A Python application for visualizing, navigating, and spike sorting high-density multichannel extracellular neuronal waveform data (by Martin Spacek)


Data and code

Spiking activity in the visual thalamus is coupled to pupil dynamics across temporal scales

Data and code

Robust effects of corticothalamic feedback and behavioral state on movie responses in mouse dLGN

Data and code

In vivo extracellular recordings of thalamic and cortical visual responses reveal V1 connectivity rules

Teaching / seminars / workshops


Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

The Vision Circuits Lab is a proud part of the GSN, 
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich


Lecture ‘Fundamentals in Neuroscience I’ (GSN, WS) and II (SS)

Foundations, Motor System, Neuroethology, Decision-making, Attention, Higher cognitive functions


Lecture ‘Systems Neuroscience II’ (GSN, SS)

Eye, Thalamus, Primary visual cortex, Extra-striate areas


Seminar ‘Current Topics in Neural Circuits of Vision’ (WS, SS)

Advanced seminar on issues of current interest in neural circuits of visual perception


Practical course ‘Psychophysics’ (GSN)


Practical course WP7 ‘Neurobiology’ (BSc)


Practical course ‘Mouse Visual Behavior’

External resources

DataJoint™ is a free, open-source framework for programming scientific databases and computational data pipelines, and used in the Vision Circuits Lab.

DokuWiki is a simple open-source wiki software that serves as our lab internal knowledge base.

Mattermost is an open-source, self-hostable online chat service with file sharing, search, and integrations that we use as an internal chat service.