Schmors, L.*, Kotkat, A.H.*, Bauer, Y.*, Huang, Z., Crombie, D., Meyerolbersleben, L., Sokoloski, S., Berens, P.**, and Busse, L.** (2023).
Effects of non-retinal inputs in visual thalamus depend on visual responsiveness and stimulus context. BioRxiv 2023.10.18.562960. [* shared first author; ** shared senior author]
Selected publications
Crombie, D., Spacek, M.A., Leibold, C.*, and Busse, L.* (accepted). Pupil size dynamics predict dLGN firing mode over a wide range of timescales. PLoS Biology. [* shared senior author]
Saleem, A.B., Busse, L., (2023). Interactions between rodent visual and spatial systems during navigation. Nat Rev Neurosci.
Kraynyukova, N.*, Renner, S.*, Born, G., Bauer, Y., Spacek, M.A., Tushev, G., Busse, L.**, Tchumatchenko, T.** (2022).
In vivo extracellular recordings of thalamic and cortical visual responses reveal V1 connectivity rules. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119, e2207032119. [* shared first author, **shared senior author]
Bernáez Timón, L., Ekelmans, P., Kraynyukova, N., Rose, T., Busse, L., Tchumatchenko, T. (2022).
How to incorporate biological insights into network models and why it matters. The Journal of Physiology.
Spacek, M.A., Crombie*, D., Bauer*, Y., Born*, G., Liu, X., Katzner, S., and Busse, L. (2022). Robust effects of corticothalamic feedback and behavioral state on movie responses in mouse dLGN. ELife 11, e70469. [* shared contributing author]
Born, G*., Schneider, F.A.*, Erisken, S.*, Klein, A., Mobarhan, M.H., Lao, C.L., Spacek, M.A., Einevoll, G.T., and Busse, L. (2021).
Corticothalamic feedback sculpts visual spatial integration in mouse thalamus. Nature Neuroscience
24, 1711–1720. [* shared first author]
Qiu, Y., Zhao, Z., Klindt, D., Kautzky, M., Szatko, K.P., Schaeffel, F., Rifai, K., Franke, K., Busse, L.*, and Euler, T.* (2021). Natural environment statistics in the upper and lower visual field are reflected in mouse retinal specializations. Current Biology 31 (15), pp3233-3247.E6 [* shared senior author]
Wal, A., Klein, F.J., Born, G., Busse, L., and Katzner, S. (2021). Evaluating visual cues modulates their representation in mouse visual and cingulate cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 41, 3531–3544.
Román Rosón, M., Bauer, Y., Kotkat, A.H., Berens, P., Euler, T., and Busse, L. (2019).
Mouse dLGN Receives Functional Input from a Diverse Population of Retinal Ganglion Cells with Limited Convergence. Neuron
102, 462-476.e8.
Erisken, S., Vaiceliunaite, A., Jurjut, O., Fiorini, M., Katzner, S., and Busse, L. (2014).
Effects of Locomotion Extend throughout the Mouse Early Visual System. Current Biology
24, 2899–2907.